Teaching activities at Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA (2011 to present)
**Recipient of the 2017 Georgia State University Instructional Effectiveness Award**
Fall 2024
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8955 "Academic Socialization/Preparation for Undergraduate Teaching " (PhD level)
Spring 2024
▪ AL 4111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8978 "Seminar in Discourse Analysis: Corpus Linguistics" (PhD level)
Fall 2023
▪ AL 8240 "General Linguistics" (MA level)
▪ AL 8970 "Linguistic Analysis: Morphology and Syntax" (PhD level)
Spring 2023
▪ AL 4111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8765/AL 9800 "Phraseology" (MA and PhD level)
Fall 2022
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8955 "Academic Socialization/Preparation for Undergraduate Teaching " (PhD level)
Spring 2022
▪ AL 8970 "Linguistic Analysis: Morphology and Syntax" (PhD level)
▪ AL 8978 "Seminar in Discourse Analysis: Corpus Linguistics" (PhD level)
Fall 2021
▪ AL 4111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8760/AL 9800 "Corpus Linguistics" (MA and PhD level)
Spring 2021
▪ AL 4111/AL 6111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA and MA level)
▪ AL 8765/AL 9800 "Phraseology" (MA and PhD level)
Fall 2020
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8955 "Academic Socialization/Preparation for Undergraduate Teaching " (PhD level)
Spring 2020
▪ AL 4111/AL 6111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA and MA level)
▪ AL 8970 "Linguistic Analysis: Morphology and Syntax" (PhD level)
Fall 2019
Teaching release as part of the GSU College of Arts and Sciences RISe (Research Intensive Semester) award
Spring 2019
▪ AL 4111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8765/AL 9800 "Phraseology" (MA and PhD level)
Fall 2018
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8955 "Academic Socialization/Preparation for Undergraduate Teaching " (PhD level)
Spring 2018
▪ AL 4111/AL 8270 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA and MA level)
▪ AL 8978 "Seminar in Discourse Analysis: Phraseology" (PhD level)
Fall 2017
▪ AL 4111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8970 "Linguistic Analysis: Morphology and Syntax" (PhD level)
Spring 2017
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 4111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA level)
▪ AL 4980 "Internship", supervisor for Olivia Higgins and Kristina Sherrill (BA level)
Fall 2016
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8400 "Preparation for Undergraduate Teaching/Academic Socialization" (PhD level)
Spring 2016
▪ AL 4111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8970 "Linguistic Analysis: Morphology and Syntax" (PhD level)
Fall 2015
▪ AL 8765 "Phraseology" (MA level)
Spring 2015
Teaching release under the Georgia State PAWS JR program (Program for Adjusting Workloads for Junior Faculty), awarded after successful third-year/pre-tenure review
Fall 2014
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8400 "Preparation for Undergraduate Teaching" (PhD level)
Spring 2014
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 4111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA level)
Fall 2013
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8970 "Linguistic Analysis: Morphology and Syntax" (PhD level)
Spring 2013
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8972 "Corpus Research in Applied Linguistics" (PhD level)
Fall 2012
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8400 "Preparation for Undergraduate Teaching" (PhD level)
Spring 2012
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 4111 "Semantics and Pragmatics" (BA level)
Fall 2011
▪ AL 3021 "Introduction to Linguistics" (BA level)
▪ AL 8240 "General Linguistics" (MA level)
▪ AL 4012 "Morphology and Syntax" (BA level); guest-teaching for Dr. Scott Crossley
Teaching activities at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (2007 to 2011)
Fall 2010
▪ Linguistics 347/Psychology 349: "Talking Minds" (psychology of language); guest-teaching for Dr. Nick Ellis
▪ Linguistics 350: "Perspectives on Second Language Learning and Second Language Instruction"; guest-teaching for Dr. Diane Larsen-Freeman
▪ Education 737: "Discourse Analysis"; guest-teaching for Dr. Mary Schleppegrell
▪ English 225: "Academic Argumentation"; guest-teaching for Laura Aull
Summer 2010
▪ Practice teaching facilitator in a teacher training program for Engineering Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs)
Spring 2010
▪ Linguistics 351/Psychology 344: "Second Language Acquisition"; guest-teaching for Dr. Nick Ellis
Spring 2009
▪ Workshop for international graduate students on "Using corpora to improve your academic writing"; with Dr. Matthew O'Donnell
Spring 2008 - 2011
▪ Organization of the University of Michigan Corpus Analysis Group; conducted monthly meetings; group website
Spring 2008
▪ Psychology 808: "Advanced Topics in Second Language Acquisition"; guest-teaching for Dr. Nick Ellis
Fall 2007
▪ Linguistics 350: "Perspectives on Second Language Learning and Second Language Instruction"; guest-teaching for Dr. Judy Dyer
Teaching activities at the Universities of Cologne and Hanover, Germany (2002 to 2007)
(PS = Proseminar/Undergraduate level seminar; HS = Hauptseminar/Graduate level seminar)
Summer 2007
▪ Introduction to linguistics, University of Hanover
▪ PS Analysing Texts: Speech and Writing, University of Hanover
Winter 2006-7
▪ Introduction to linguistics, University of Hanover
▪ PS Semantics, University of Hanover
Summer 2006
▪ Introduction to linguistics, University of Hanover
▪ HS Corpora and Language Teaching, University of Hanover
Winter 2005-6
▪ Introduction to linguistics, University of Hanover
▪ PS World Englishes, University of Hanover
Summer 2005
▪ Introduction to linguistics, University of Hanover
▪ PS Lexicology, University of Hanover
Winter 2004-5
▪ Introduction to linguistics, University of Hanover
▪ PS Pragmatics, University of Hanover
Summer 2004
▪ Introduction to linguistics, University of Hanover
▪ PS Language and gender, University of Hanover
Winter 2003-4
▪ Introduction to linguistics, University of Hanover
▪ PS Intonation in action (Discourse Intonation), University of Hanover
▪ HS Corpus studies in English: Lexis and syntax, University of Cologne (covering for Prof. W.-D. Bald)
Summer 2003
▪ Introduction to linguistics, University of Hanover
▪ PS Computer corpora in English linguistics, University of Hanover
Summer 2002
▪ PS Corpus linguistics, University of Cologne
Winter 1996-7 to Summer 1998
▪ Tutorials in English linguistics, University of Cologne