7. Römer, Ute, Viviana Cortes & Eric Friginal (eds.). 2020. Advances in Corpus-based Research on Academic Writing. Effects of Discipline, Register, and Writer Expertise. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
6. Ellis, Nick C., Ute Römer & Matthew B. O'Donnell. 2016. Usage-based Approaches to Language Acquisition and Processing: Cognitive and Corpus Investigations of Construction Grammar (Language Learning Monograph Series). Malden, MA: Wiley.
Reviewed in Review of Cognitive Linguistics (2017) by Teresa Cadierno
Reviewed in ICAME Journal (2017) by Fanny Meunier
Reviewed in Applied Linguistics (2017) by Gaëtanelle Gilquin
Reviewed in Functions of Language (2017) by Annette Fahrner
Reviewed in Cognitive Linguistics (2018) by Andrea Tyler
Reviewed in International Journal of Learner Corpus Research (2018) by Mark McAndrews
5. Römer, Ute & Rainer Schulze (eds.). 2010. Patterns, Meaningful Units and Specialized Discourses. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
4. Römer, Ute & Rainer Schulze (eds.). 2009. Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
3. Römer, Ute & Rainer Schulze (eds.). 2008. Patterns, Meaningful Units and Specialized Discourses [International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 13(3), Special Issue]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
2. Römer, Ute. 2005. Progressives, Patterns, Pedagogy. A Corpus-driven Approach to English Progressive Forms, Functions, Contexts and Didactics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
browse the book; read a short summary in German by Bernhard Kettemann (verbal newsletter 1/2005)
Reviewed in ICAME Journal 30 (2006) by Erik Smitterberg (pdf; scroll down to p. 14).
Reviewed on Linguist List (issue 17.2153, 2006) by Britta Schneider
Reviewed in IJCL 12,1 (2007) by Hans Lindquist
Reviewed in SSLA 30,1 (2008) by Nicole Tracy-Ventura
Reviewed in Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 19,2 (2008) by Ilka Mindt
Reviewed in Corpora 3,1 (2008) by Jane M. Govoni
November 2006: Progressives, Patterns, Pedagogy was awarded the biennial "Wissenschaftspreis Hannover 2006"
1. Scholz, Sybil, Monika Klages, Evelyn Hantson & Ute Römer (eds.). 2002. Language: Context and Cognition. Papers in Honour of Wolf-Dietrich Bald's 60th Birthday. Munich: Langenscheidt-Longman. TOC pdf
Journal articles and book chapters
73. Römer-Barron, Ute. Forthcoming. How do constructions with modal verbs develop in second language learners of English? Journal of Second Language Studies.
72. De Los Reyes, Nicole C. & Ute Römer-Barron. Forthcoming. A Collostructional Approach to Japanese Noun-modifying Clause Construction Use and Acquisition: A Learner Corpus Study. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory.
71. Egbert, Jesse & Ute Römer-Barron. 2024. Applying Corpus Linguistics to the Law. Applied Corpus Linguistics 4(2).
70. Römer-Barron, Ute & Clark D. Cunningham. 2024. Applied Corpus Linguistics and Legal Interpretation: A Rapidly Developing Field of Interdisciplinary Scholarship. Applied Corpus Linguistics 4(1).
69. Cunningham, Clark D. & Ute Römer-Barron. 2024. Four Reasons the Supreme Court Should Reconsider its Article III Standing Doctrine. Ohio State Law Journal Online (Volume 85). pdf version
68. Römer, Ute. 2024. Usage-based Approaches to Second Language Acquisition vis-à-vis Data-driven Learning. TESOL Quarterly 58(3): 1235-1245.
67. Namkung, Yoon & Ute Römer. 2023. Formulaic Language Development in Asian Learners of English: A Comparative Study of Phrase-frames in Written and Oral Production. Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research 4(2): 1-39.
66. Römer, Ute. 2023. Foreword. In N. Vyatkina, Corpus Applications in Language Teaching and Research: The Case of Data-driven Learning of German. London: Routledge.
65. Tan, Yi & Ute Römer. 2022. Using phrase-frames to trace the language development of L1 Chinese learners of English. System 108.
64. Römer, Ute & Jamie Garner. 2022. What can corpus linguistics tell us about second language acquisition? In A. O’Keeffe & M. McCarthy (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics (2nd edition). London: Routledge. 328-340.
63. Norgaard, Martin & Ute Römer. 2022. Patterns in music: How linguistic corpus analysis tools can be used to illuminate central aspects of jazz improvisation. Jazz Education in Research and Practice 3(1): 3-26. full text
62. Römer, Ute. 2022. Applied corpus linguistics for language acquisition, pedagogy, and beyond. Language Teaching, 55: 233-244.
61. Stout, Abby, Diana Coetzee & Ute Römer. 2020. “We the Citizens?”: A corpus linguistic inquiry into the use of “people” and “citizens” in the Founding Era. Georgia State University Law Review 36(5): 665-697. pdf version
60. Ren, Haoshan, Margaret Wood, Clark D. Cunningham, Noor Abbady, Ute Römer, Heather Kuhn & Jesse Egbert. 2020. "Questions involving national peace and harmony" or "injured plaintiff litigation"? The original meaning of "cases" in Article III of the Constitution. Georgia State University Law Review 36(5): 535-605. pdf version; download from SSRN
59. Yoon, Hyung-Jo & Ute Römer. 2020. Quantifying disciplinary voices: An automated approach to interactional metadiscourse in successful student writing. Written Communication. DOI: 10.1177/0741088319898672.
58. Yilmaz, Selahattin & Ute Römer. 2020. A corpus-based exploration of constructions in written academic English as a lingua franca. In Ute Römer, Viviana Cortes & Eric Friginal (Eds.), Advances in Corpus-based Research on Academic Writing. Effects of Discipline, Register, and Writer Expertise. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 59-88.
57. Römer, Ute, Viviana Cortes & Eric Friginal. 2020. Introduction: Advances in corpus-based research on academic writing. In Ute Römer, Viviana Cortes & Eric Friginal (Eds.), Advances in Corpus-based Research on Academic Writing. Effects of Discipline, Register, and Writer Expertise. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1-6.
56. Römer, Ute & Cynthia M. Berger. 2019. Observing the emergence of constructional knowledge: Verb patterns in German and Spanish learners of English at different proficiency levels. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 41(5): 1089-1110.
55. Römer, Ute. 2019. A corpus perspective on the development of verb constructions in second language learners. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 24(3): 268-290. pdf version
54. Römer, Ute & James R. Garner. 2019. The development of verb constructions in spoken learner English: Tracing effects of usage and proficiency. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 5(2): 207-230. pdf version
53. Crossley, Scott A., Kristopher Kyle & Ute Römer. 2019. Examining lexical and cohesion differences in discipline specific writing using multi-dimensional analysis. In Tony Berber Sardinha & Marcia Veirano Pinto (Eds.), Multidimensional Analysis: Research Methods and Current Issues. London: Bloomsbury. 189-216. pdf version
52. Römer, Ute & Selahattin Yilmaz. 2019. Effects of L2 usage and L1 transfer on Turkish learners’ production of English verb-argument constructions. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics 16: 107-133. pdf version
51. Römer, Ute. 2019. Corpus research for SLA: The importance of mixing methods. In V. Wiegand & M. Mahlberg (eds.). Corpus Linguistics, Context and Culture. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 467-482.
50. Römer, Ute, Stephen Skalicky & Nick C. Ellis. 2018. Verb-argument constructions in advanced L2 English learner production: Insights from corpora and verbal fluency tasks. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory. pdf version
49. Römer, Ute. 2017. Language assessment and the inseparability of lexis and grammar: Focus on the construct of speaking. Language Testing 34(4): 477-492. pdf version
48. Römer, Ute & Jayanti Banerjee. 2017. Validating the MET speaking test through phraseological analysis: A corpus approach to language assessment. CaMLA Working Papers 2017-01. pdf version
47. Crossley, Scott A., David Russell, Kristopher Kyle & Ute Römer. 2017. Applying natural language processing tools to a student academic writing corpus: How large are disciplinary differences across science and engineering fields? Journal of Writing Analytics 1: 48-81. pdf version
46. Römer, Ute. 2016. Teaming up and mixing methods: Collaborative and cross-disciplinary work in corpus research on phraseology. Corpora 11(1): 113-129. pdf version
45. Römer, Ute, Audrey Roberson, Matthew B. O'Donnell & Nick C. Ellis. 2014. Linking learner corpus and experimental data in studying second language learners’ knowledge of verb-argument constructions. ICAME Journal 38: 59-79. pdf version
44. Römer, Ute, Matthew B. O'Donnell & Nick C. Ellis. 2014. Second language learner knowledge of verb-argument constructions: Effects of language transfer and typology. The Modern Language Journal 98(4): 952-975. pdf version
43. Ellis, Nick C., Matthew B. O'Donnell & Ute Römer. 2014. Second language processing of verb-argument constructions is sensitive to form, function, frequency, contingency, and prototypicality. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 4(4): 405-431. pdf version
42. Hardy, Jack A., Ute Römer & Audrey Roberson. 2015. The power of relevant models: Using a corpus of student writing to introduce disciplinary practices in a first year composition course. Across the Disciplines 12(1). Retrievable from
41. Ellis, Nick C., U. Römer & Matthew B. O'Donnell. 2015. Second language constructions: Usage-based acquisition and transfer. In J. Schwieter (ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Processing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 234-254. pdf version
40. Ellis, Nick C., Matthew B. O'Donnell & Ute Römer. 2015. Usage-based language learning. In: Brian MacWhinney & William O'Grady (eds.). The Handbook of Language Emergence. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 163-180. pdf version
39. Ellis, Nick C., Rita Simpson-Vlach, Ute Römer, Matthew B. O'Donnell & Stefanie Wulff. 2015. Learner corpora and formulaic language in second language acquisition research. In: Sylviane Granger, Gaëtanelle Gilquin & Fanny Meunier (eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of Learner Corpus Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 357-378.
38. Ellis, Nick C., Matthew B. O'Donnell & Ute Römer. 2014. The processing of verb-argument constructions is sensitive to form, function, frequency, contingency, and prototypicality. Cognitive Linguistics 25(1): 55-98. pdf version
37. Hardy, Jack A. & Ute Römer. 2013. Revealing disciplinary variation in student writing: A multi-dimensional analysis of the Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers (MICUSP). Corpora 8(2): 183-207. pdf version
36. Ellis, Nick C., Matthew B. O'Donnell & Ute Römer. 2014. Does language Zipf right along? Investigating robustness in the latent structure of usage and acquisition. In: Jeff Connor-Linton & Luke W. Amoroso (eds.). Measured Language. Quantitative Studies of Acquisition, Assessment, and Variation. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 33-50. pdf version
35. Ellis, Nick C., Matthew B. O'Donnell & Ute Römer. 2013. Usage-based language: Investigating the latent structures that underpin acquisition. Language Learning 63(Supp. 1): 25-51. pdf version
34. Römer, Ute, Matthew B. O'Donnell & Nick C. Ellis. 2015. Using COBUILD grammar patterns for a large-scale analysis of verb-argument constructions: Exploring corpus data and speaker knowledge. In: Nicholas Groom, Maggie Charles & Suganthi John (eds.). Corpora, Grammar and Discourse: In Honour of Susan Hunston. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 43-71. pdf version
33. O'Donnell, Matthew B., Ute Römer & Nick C. Ellis. 2013. The development of formulaic sequences in first and second language writing: Investigating effects of frequency, association, and native norm. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 18(1): 83-108. pdf version
Reprinted in: Hoffmann, Sebastian, Bettina Fischer-Starcke & Andrea Sand (eds.). 2015. Current Issues in Phraseology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 83-108.
31. Römer, Ute. 2012. Corpora and teaching academic writing: Exploring the pedagogical potential of MICUSP. In: James Thomas & Alex Boulton (eds.). Input, Process and Product: Developments in Teaching and Language Corpora. Brno: Masaryk University Press. 70-82. pdf version
30. Römer, Ute. 2012. Corpus analysis. In: Peter Robinson (ed.). The Routledge Encyclopedia of Second Language Acquisition. New York: Routledge. 134-139.
29. O'Donnell, Matthew B. & Römer, Ute. 2012. From student hard drive to web corpus (part 2): The annotation and online distribution of the Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers (MICUSP). Corpora 7(1): 1-18. pdf version
28. Römer, Ute & Matthew B. O'Donnell. 2011. From student hard drive to web corpus (part 1): The design, compilation and genre classification of the Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers (MICUSP). Corpora. 6(2): 159-177. pdf version
27. Ädel, Annelie & Ute Römer. 2012. Research on advanced student writing across disciplines and levels: Introducing the Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 17(1): 3-34. pdf version
26. Römer, Ute. 2011. Corpus research applications in second language teaching. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 31: 205-225. pdf version; journal info
25. Wulff, Stefanie, Ute Römer & John Swales. 2012. Attended/unattended this in academic student writing: Quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 8(1): 129-157. pdf version; journal info
24. Römer, Ute. 2011. Observations on the phraseology of academic writing: Local patterns – local meanings? In: Herbst, Thomas, Susen Faulhaber & Peter Uhrig (eds.). The Phraseological View of Language. A Tribute to John Sinclair. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 211-227. pdf version
23. Römer, Ute. 2010. Establishing the phraseological profile of a text type: The construction of meaning in academic book reviews. English Text Construction 3(1): 95-119. pdf version; journal info
Reprinted in: Biber, Douglas & Randi Reppen (eds.). 2012. Corpus Linguistics. Volume I: Lexical Studies. London: SAGE Publications. 307-329. pdf version
22. Römer, Ute & Stefanie Wulff. 2010. Applying corpus methods to written academic texts: Explorations of MICUSP. Journal of Writing Research 2(2): 99-127. pdf version; --nominated for the John R. Hayes Award 2012--
21. Römer, Ute & Rainer Schulze. 2009. Patterns in language: An introduction. In: Reinfandt, Christoph & Lars Eckstein (eds.). Anglistentag 2008 Tübingen. Proceedings. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. 359-365.
20. Wulff, Stefanie & Ute Römer. 2009. Becoming a proficient academic writer: Shifting lexical preferences in the use of the progressive. Corpora 4(2): 115-133. pdf version; journal info
19. Römer, Ute. 2010. Using general and specialized corpora in English language teaching: Past, present and future. In: Campoy-Cubillo, Marí Carmen, Begoña Belles-Fortuño & Lluisa Gea-Valor (eds.). Corpus-based Approaches to English Language Teaching. London: Continuum. 18-35. book info
18. Römer, Ute. 2009. English in academia: Does nativeness matter? Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 20(2): 89-100. pdf version
17. Schulze, Rainer & Ute Römer. 2009. Introduction: Zooming in. In: Römer, Ute & Rainer Schulze (eds.). Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1-11. pdf version (uncorrected page proofs); book info
16. Wulff, Stefanie, Nick C. Ellis, Ute Römer, Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig & Chelsea LeBlanc. 2009. The acquisition of tense-aspect: Converging evidence from corpora and telicity ratings. The Modern Language Journal 93(3): 354-369. pdf version
15. Römer, Ute. 2009. The inseparability of lexis and grammar: Corpus linguistic perspectives. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 7: 140-162. pdf version
14. Römer, Ute. 2009. Corpus research and practice: What help do teachers need and what can we offer? In: Aijmer, Karin (ed.). Corpora and Language Teaching. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 83-98. pdf version
13. Römer, Ute. 2008. 7. Corpora and language teaching. In: Lüdeling, Anke & Merja Kytö (eds.). Corpus Linguistics. An International Handbook (volume 1). [HSK series] Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 112-130. pdf version
12. Schulze, Rainer & Ute Römer. 2008. Introduction: Patterns, meaningful units and specialized discourses. IJCL 13(3): 265-270. (Special issue on "Patterns, meaningful units and specialized discourses", eds. Ute Römer & Rainer Schulze). pdf version
11. Römer, Ute. 2008. Identification impossible? A corpus approach to realisations of evaluative meaning in academic writing. Functions of Language 15(1): 115-130 (Special issue on "Evaluation in Text Types", ed. Monika Bednarek). pdf version
10. Römer, Ute. 2007. Learner language and the norms in native corpora and EFL teaching materials: A case study of English conditionals. In: Volk-Birke, Sabine & Julia Lippert (eds.). Anglistentag 2006 Halle. Proceedings. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. 355-363. pdf version
9. Nesselhauf, Nadja & Ute Römer. 2007. Lexical-grammatical patterns in spoken English: The case of the progressive with future time reference. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 12(3): 297-333. pdf version
Reprinted in: Biber, Douglas & Randi Reppen (eds.). 2012. Corpus Linguistics. Volume II: Grammar. London: SAGE Publications. 333-364. pdf version
8. Römer, Ute. 2006. Where the computer meets language, literature, and pedagogy: Corpus Analysis in English Studies. In: Gerbig, Andrea & Anja Müller-Wood (eds.). How Globalization Affects the Teaching of English: Studying Culture through Texts. Lampeter: E. Mellen Press. 81-109. pdf version; book info
7. Römer, Ute. 2006. Pedagogical applications of corpora: Some reflections on the current scope and a wish list for future developments. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 54(2): 121-134, Special Issue: "The Scope and Limits of Corpus Linguistics – Empiricism in the Description and Analysis of English" (ed. Volker Gast). pdf version; journal info
6. Römer, Ute. 2006. Looking at looking: Functions and contexts of progressives in spoken English and 'school' English. In: Renouf, Antoinette & Andrew Kehoe (eds.). The Changing Face of Corpus Linguistics. Papers from the 24th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 24). Amsterdam: Rodopi. 231-242. book info;
Reprinted in: Teubert, Wolfgang & Ramesh Krishnamurthy (eds.). 2007. Corpus Linguistics. Critical Concepts in Linguistics (6 vols.). London: Routledge. 3-14 (Volume IV). pdf version; book info
5. Römer, Ute. 2005. 'This seems somewhat counterintuitive, though…' – Negative evaluation in linguistic book reviews by male and female authors. In: Tognini Bonelli, Elena & Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotti (eds.). Strategies in Academic Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 97-115. pdf version (uncorrected page proofs); book info
4. Römer, Ute. 2005. Shifting foci in language description and instruction: Towards a lexical grammar of progressives. Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 30(1): 145-160. pdf version (final submitted version)
3. Römer, Ute. 2004. Comparing real and ideal language learner input: The use of an EFL textbook corpus in corpus linguistics and language teaching. In: Aston, Guy, Silvia Bernardini and Dominic Stewart (eds.). Corpora and Language Learners. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 151-168. pdf version
2. Römer, Ute. 2004. A corpus-driven approach to modal auxiliaries and their didactics. In: Sinclair, John McH. (ed.). How to Use Corpora in Language Teaching. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 185-199. pdf version (uncorrected page proofs)
1. Klages, Monika & Ute Römer. 2002. Translating modal meanings in the EFL classroom. In: Sybil Scholz, Monika Klages, Evelyn Hantson & Ute Römer (eds.). Language: Context and Cognition. Papers in Honour of Wolf-Dietrich Bald's 60th Birthday. Munich: Langenscheidt-Longman. 201-216. pdf version
Book reviews and miscellaneous (including amicus briefs and other non-refereed publications)
22. Cunningham, Clark D. & Ute Römer-Barron. 2024. Did January 6 Defendants (Including Donald Trump) ‘Otherwise Obstruct an Official Proceeding’? Linguistic Analysis for the Fischer Case Before the Supreme Court. Georgia State University College of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper. Available at
21. Cunningham, Clark D. & Ute Römer-Barron. 2024. Brief of amici curiae law-linguistics research team. Joseph W. Fischer v. United States (Supreme Court Case 23-5572). Available at
20. Cunningham, Clark D. & Ute Römer. 2023. Can a President Be Impeached for Non-Criminal Conduct? New Linguistic Analysis Says Yes. Georgia State University College of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper. Available at
19. Römer, Ute. 2022. Congratulations to the 2022 Research Article Award Winners. AAALetter, January 2022. Available at
18. Cunningham, Clark D., Ute Römer, Jesse A. Egbert, Haoshan Ren, Noor Abbady, Margaret Wood & Heather Kuhn. 2019. Supplemental amicus brief of law and linguistics research team. William Andrew Wright v. Stephen Spaulding, Warden (on appeal from N.D. Ohio) (6th Cir. Case 17-4257) (Judges Amul R. Thapar, Joseph Martin Hood & Eugene Edward Siler). Available at
17. Römer, Ute & John Swales. 2010. Announcement. The Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers (MICUSP). Journal of English for Academic Purposes 9: 249.
16. Römer, Ute. 2010. Review. Ken Hyland & Giuliana Diani (eds.). Academic Evaluation: Review Genres in University Settings. English for Specific Purposes 29: 301-304.
15. Römer, Ute. 2008. Review. Bernhard Kettemann & Georg Marko (eds.). Planing, Gluing and Painting Corpora: Inside the Applied Corpus Linguist's Workshop. Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 33(1): 165-168.
14. Römer, Ute. 2007. Book notice. Vijay K. Bhatia. Worlds of Written Discourse: A Genre-based View. Language 83(3): 666.
13. Römer, Ute. 2007. Book notice. Caroline Coffin, Ann Hewings & Kieran O'Halloran (eds.). Applying English Grammar. Functional and Corpus Approaches. Language 83(3): 670-671.
12. Römer, Ute. 2006. Book notice. Karin Aijmer & Anna-Brita Stenström. Discourse Markers in Spoken and Written Corpora. Language 82(4): 936.
11. Römer, Ute. 2006. Book notice. Hans Lindquist & Christian Mair. Corpus Approaches to Grammaticalization in English. Language 82(4): 956.
10. Römer, Ute. 2006. Review. Ulla Connor & Thomas A. Upton (eds.). Discourse in the Professions: Perspectives from corpus linguistics. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 28(4): 646-648.
9. Römer, Ute. 2006. Review. Erik Smitterberg. The Progressive in 19th-century English: A Process of Integration. ICAME Journal 30: 131-135.
8. Römer, Ute. 2005. Review. Alan Partington, John Morley & Louann Haarman (eds.). Corpora and Discourse. Anglistik 16(2): 211-213.
7. Römer, Ute. 2005. Book notice. Steven McDonough. Applied Linguistics in Language Education. Language 81(2): 542-543.
6. Römer, Ute. 2005. Book notice. Peter H. Matthews. Linguistics: A Very Short Introduction. Language 81(2): 541.
5. Römer, Ute. 2004. Book notice. Anna-Brita Stenström, Gisle Anderson & Ingrid Kristine Hasund. Trends in Teenage Talk. Language 80(4): 900-901.
4. Römer, Ute. 2004. Review. Norbert Schlüter. Present Perfect: Eine korpuslinguistische Analyse des englischen Perfekts mit Vermittlungsvorschlägen für den Sprachunterricht. Neusprachliche Mitteilungen 57(4): 246.
3. Römer, Ute. 2004. Review. Bernhard Kettemann & Georg Marko (eds.). Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis. Anglistik 15(1): 155-159.
2. Römer, Ute. 2003. Conference Report. The Fifth International Conference on Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC 5), The University Residential Centre, Bertinoro, Italy, July 27 – 31, 2002. Anglistik 14(1): 204-207.
1. Römer, Ute. 2001. Review. Alan Partington. Patterns and Meanings: Using Corpora for English Language Research and Teaching. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 6(1): 155-158.
Related activities
▪ General editor of the Studies in Corpus Linguistics (SCL) book series; series info
▪ Editorial board member of the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (IJCL); journal info
▪ Editorial board member of the journal Corpora; journal info
▪ Editorial board member of English Text Construction (ETC); journal info
▪ Editorial board member of the Journal of Advanced Linguistic Studies (JALS); journal info
▪ Editorial board member of Empirical Language Research Journal (ELR Journal; relaunched in 2013 as English Language Research Journal); journal info
▪ Advisory editorial board member of the book series Studies in Bilingualism; series info
▪ Advisory board member of the book series Language in Performance (LiP); series info
▪ Peer reviewer for the following journals: Annual Review of Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Linguistics; Corpora; Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory; English for Specific Purposes; ESP Across Cultures; International Journal of Corpus LinguisticsInternational Journal of Bilingualism; Journal of English Linguistics; Language Assessment Quarterly; Language Learning; Language Learning and Technology; Language Resources and Evaluation; Language Sciences; Language Teaching; Languages in Contrast; TESOL Quarterly; Language Teaching; Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik;
▪ Member of the organizing committees of the following international conferences: ELeGI 2006 (Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface, Hanover, Germany); Language as a Complex Adaptive System 2008 (Ann Arbor, MI, USA); CIRD 2009 (Fifth Conference on Intercultural Rhetoric and Discourse, Ann Arbor, MI, USA)
▪ Member of the programme committees of the following international conferences: ELeGI 2006 (Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface, Hanover, Germany); Corpus Linguistics 2007 (Birmingham, UK); AACL 2008 (American Association for Corpus Linguistics conference, Provo, UT); IVACS 2008 (Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies conference, Limerick, Ireland); Corpus Linguistics 2009 (Liverpool, UK); CILC-09 (First conference of the Spanish Association of Corpus Linguistics, Murcia, Spain); AAAL 2009 (American Association for Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Denver, CO); CIRD 5 (Fifth Conference on Intercultural Rhetoric and Discourse, Ann Arbor, MI); ICAME 2009 (International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English annual meeting, Lancaster, UK); Corpus Linguistics 2011 (Birmingham, UK); LCR 2011 ("20 years of learner corpus research: looking back, moving ahead", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium); AESLA 2011 (29th Annual Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics, Salamanca, Spain); Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (2012, University of Auckland); TaLC 10 (10th Teaching and Language Corpora conference in 2012, Warsaw, Poland); Corpus Technologies and Applied Linguistics Conference (2012, Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, China); SLRF 2012 (Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA); AAAL 2013 (Corpus Linguistics strand coordinator; American Association for Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Dallas, TX); AACL 2013 (American Association for Corpus Linguistics conference, San Diego, CA); ICAME 2013 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain); SLRF 2013 (Second Language Research Forum, Provo, UT; Corpus Linguistics 2013 (Lancaster, UK); LCR 2013 (Learner Corpus Research conference, Solstrand, Norway); Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT) 2014 (Washington, DC); AAAL 2014 (American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Portland, OR); ICAME 2014 (Nottingham, UK); TaLC 11 (11th Teaching and Language Corpora conference in 2014, Lancaster, UK); ICAME 2015 (Trier, Germany); ICLC 2015 (Newcastle, UK); Corpus Linguistics 2015 (Lancaster, UK); Second Language Research Forum 2015 (Atlanta, GA); LCR 2015 (Learner Corpus Research conference, Nijmegen, Netherlands); Cognitive Approaches to Language Pedagogy 2016 (Basel, Switzerland); AAAL 2016 (American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Orlando, FL); ICAME 2016 (Hong Kong, China); TaLC 12 (12th Teaching and Language Corpora conference in 2016, Giessen, Germany); AAAL 2017 (American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Portland, OR); Corpus Linguistics 2017 (Birmingham, UK); ICAME 2017 (Prague, Czech Republic); Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar 2017 (Edge Hill, UK); Colloque International de Linguistique de Corpus 2017 (Paris, France); EUROPHRAS 2017 (London, UK); Second Language Research Forum 2017 (Columbus, OH); AAAL 2018 (American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Chicago, IL); Constructional Approaches to Language Pedagogy 2018 (CALP-3; Austin, TX); ICAME 2018 (Tampere, Finland); TaLC 13 (13th Teaching and Language Corpora conference 2018; Cambridge, UK); Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar 2018 (Edge Hill, UK); Learner Corpus Research conference 2019 (Warsaw, Poland); ICAME 2019 (Neuchatel, Switzerland); Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar 2019 (Edge Hill, UK); AAAL 2019 (American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Atlanta, GA);
Professional affiliations
2012 – present American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
2010 – present Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC); Member of the scientific committee
2009 – present American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL); Board member (since 2009)
2007 – present International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE)
2005 – 2017 Deutscher Anglistenverband (German Association of University Teachers of English)
2005 – 2017 European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
2003 – present International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME); elected ICAME Board member (2012-2016, 2016-2020)
2003 – 2010 British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), founding member of the Special Interest Group “Corpus Linguistics”
2003 – 2008 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (German Association for Foreign Language Research)
2002– present International Association of Applied Linguistics (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée, AILA)
2002 – 2013 Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (German Association of Applied Linguistics)
1999 – 2009 Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft (German Shakespeare Society)
7. Römer, Ute, Viviana Cortes & Eric Friginal (eds.). 2020. Advances in Corpus-based Research on Academic Writing. Effects of Discipline, Register, and Writer Expertise. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
6. Ellis, Nick C., Ute Römer & Matthew B. O'Donnell. 2016. Usage-based Approaches to Language Acquisition and Processing: Cognitive and Corpus Investigations of Construction Grammar (Language Learning Monograph Series). Malden, MA: Wiley.
Reviewed in Review of Cognitive Linguistics (2017) by Teresa Cadierno
Reviewed in ICAME Journal (2017) by Fanny Meunier
Reviewed in Applied Linguistics (2017) by Gaëtanelle Gilquin
Reviewed in Functions of Language (2017) by Annette Fahrner
Reviewed in Cognitive Linguistics (2018) by Andrea Tyler
Reviewed in International Journal of Learner Corpus Research (2018) by Mark McAndrews
5. Römer, Ute & Rainer Schulze (eds.). 2010. Patterns, Meaningful Units and Specialized Discourses. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
4. Römer, Ute & Rainer Schulze (eds.). 2009. Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
3. Römer, Ute & Rainer Schulze (eds.). 2008. Patterns, Meaningful Units and Specialized Discourses [International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 13(3), Special Issue]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
2. Römer, Ute. 2005. Progressives, Patterns, Pedagogy. A Corpus-driven Approach to English Progressive Forms, Functions, Contexts and Didactics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
browse the book; read a short summary in German by Bernhard Kettemann (verbal newsletter 1/2005)
Reviewed in ICAME Journal 30 (2006) by Erik Smitterberg (pdf; scroll down to p. 14).
Reviewed on Linguist List (issue 17.2153, 2006) by Britta Schneider
Reviewed in IJCL 12,1 (2007) by Hans Lindquist
Reviewed in SSLA 30,1 (2008) by Nicole Tracy-Ventura
Reviewed in Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 19,2 (2008) by Ilka Mindt
Reviewed in Corpora 3,1 (2008) by Jane M. Govoni
November 2006: Progressives, Patterns, Pedagogy was awarded the biennial "Wissenschaftspreis Hannover 2006"
1. Scholz, Sybil, Monika Klages, Evelyn Hantson & Ute Römer (eds.). 2002. Language: Context and Cognition. Papers in Honour of Wolf-Dietrich Bald's 60th Birthday. Munich: Langenscheidt-Longman. TOC pdf
Journal articles and book chapters
73. Römer-Barron, Ute. Forthcoming. How do constructions with modal verbs develop in second language learners of English? Journal of Second Language Studies.
72. De Los Reyes, Nicole C. & Ute Römer-Barron. Forthcoming. A Collostructional Approach to Japanese Noun-modifying Clause Construction Use and Acquisition: A Learner Corpus Study. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory.
71. Egbert, Jesse & Ute Römer-Barron. 2024. Applying Corpus Linguistics to the Law. Applied Corpus Linguistics 4(2).
70. Römer-Barron, Ute & Clark D. Cunningham. 2024. Applied Corpus Linguistics and Legal Interpretation: A Rapidly Developing Field of Interdisciplinary Scholarship. Applied Corpus Linguistics 4(1).
69. Cunningham, Clark D. & Ute Römer-Barron. 2024. Four Reasons the Supreme Court Should Reconsider its Article III Standing Doctrine. Ohio State Law Journal Online (Volume 85). pdf version
68. Römer, Ute. 2024. Usage-based Approaches to Second Language Acquisition vis-à-vis Data-driven Learning. TESOL Quarterly 58(3): 1235-1245.
67. Namkung, Yoon & Ute Römer. 2023. Formulaic Language Development in Asian Learners of English: A Comparative Study of Phrase-frames in Written and Oral Production. Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research 4(2): 1-39.
66. Römer, Ute. 2023. Foreword. In N. Vyatkina, Corpus Applications in Language Teaching and Research: The Case of Data-driven Learning of German. London: Routledge.
65. Tan, Yi & Ute Römer. 2022. Using phrase-frames to trace the language development of L1 Chinese learners of English. System 108.
64. Römer, Ute & Jamie Garner. 2022. What can corpus linguistics tell us about second language acquisition? In A. O’Keeffe & M. McCarthy (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics (2nd edition). London: Routledge. 328-340.
63. Norgaard, Martin & Ute Römer. 2022. Patterns in music: How linguistic corpus analysis tools can be used to illuminate central aspects of jazz improvisation. Jazz Education in Research and Practice 3(1): 3-26. full text
62. Römer, Ute. 2022. Applied corpus linguistics for language acquisition, pedagogy, and beyond. Language Teaching, 55: 233-244.
61. Stout, Abby, Diana Coetzee & Ute Römer. 2020. “We the Citizens?”: A corpus linguistic inquiry into the use of “people” and “citizens” in the Founding Era. Georgia State University Law Review 36(5): 665-697. pdf version
60. Ren, Haoshan, Margaret Wood, Clark D. Cunningham, Noor Abbady, Ute Römer, Heather Kuhn & Jesse Egbert. 2020. "Questions involving national peace and harmony" or "injured plaintiff litigation"? The original meaning of "cases" in Article III of the Constitution. Georgia State University Law Review 36(5): 535-605. pdf version; download from SSRN
59. Yoon, Hyung-Jo & Ute Römer. 2020. Quantifying disciplinary voices: An automated approach to interactional metadiscourse in successful student writing. Written Communication. DOI: 10.1177/0741088319898672.
58. Yilmaz, Selahattin & Ute Römer. 2020. A corpus-based exploration of constructions in written academic English as a lingua franca. In Ute Römer, Viviana Cortes & Eric Friginal (Eds.), Advances in Corpus-based Research on Academic Writing. Effects of Discipline, Register, and Writer Expertise. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 59-88.
57. Römer, Ute, Viviana Cortes & Eric Friginal. 2020. Introduction: Advances in corpus-based research on academic writing. In Ute Römer, Viviana Cortes & Eric Friginal (Eds.), Advances in Corpus-based Research on Academic Writing. Effects of Discipline, Register, and Writer Expertise. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1-6.
56. Römer, Ute & Cynthia M. Berger. 2019. Observing the emergence of constructional knowledge: Verb patterns in German and Spanish learners of English at different proficiency levels. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 41(5): 1089-1110.
55. Römer, Ute. 2019. A corpus perspective on the development of verb constructions in second language learners. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 24(3): 268-290. pdf version
54. Römer, Ute & James R. Garner. 2019. The development of verb constructions in spoken learner English: Tracing effects of usage and proficiency. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 5(2): 207-230. pdf version
53. Crossley, Scott A., Kristopher Kyle & Ute Römer. 2019. Examining lexical and cohesion differences in discipline specific writing using multi-dimensional analysis. In Tony Berber Sardinha & Marcia Veirano Pinto (Eds.), Multidimensional Analysis: Research Methods and Current Issues. London: Bloomsbury. 189-216. pdf version
52. Römer, Ute & Selahattin Yilmaz. 2019. Effects of L2 usage and L1 transfer on Turkish learners’ production of English verb-argument constructions. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics 16: 107-133. pdf version
51. Römer, Ute. 2019. Corpus research for SLA: The importance of mixing methods. In V. Wiegand & M. Mahlberg (eds.). Corpus Linguistics, Context and Culture. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 467-482.
50. Römer, Ute, Stephen Skalicky & Nick C. Ellis. 2018. Verb-argument constructions in advanced L2 English learner production: Insights from corpora and verbal fluency tasks. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory. pdf version
49. Römer, Ute. 2017. Language assessment and the inseparability of lexis and grammar: Focus on the construct of speaking. Language Testing 34(4): 477-492. pdf version
48. Römer, Ute & Jayanti Banerjee. 2017. Validating the MET speaking test through phraseological analysis: A corpus approach to language assessment. CaMLA Working Papers 2017-01. pdf version
47. Crossley, Scott A., David Russell, Kristopher Kyle & Ute Römer. 2017. Applying natural language processing tools to a student academic writing corpus: How large are disciplinary differences across science and engineering fields? Journal of Writing Analytics 1: 48-81. pdf version
46. Römer, Ute. 2016. Teaming up and mixing methods: Collaborative and cross-disciplinary work in corpus research on phraseology. Corpora 11(1): 113-129. pdf version
45. Römer, Ute, Audrey Roberson, Matthew B. O'Donnell & Nick C. Ellis. 2014. Linking learner corpus and experimental data in studying second language learners’ knowledge of verb-argument constructions. ICAME Journal 38: 59-79. pdf version
44. Römer, Ute, Matthew B. O'Donnell & Nick C. Ellis. 2014. Second language learner knowledge of verb-argument constructions: Effects of language transfer and typology. The Modern Language Journal 98(4): 952-975. pdf version
43. Ellis, Nick C., Matthew B. O'Donnell & Ute Römer. 2014. Second language processing of verb-argument constructions is sensitive to form, function, frequency, contingency, and prototypicality. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 4(4): 405-431. pdf version
42. Hardy, Jack A., Ute Römer & Audrey Roberson. 2015. The power of relevant models: Using a corpus of student writing to introduce disciplinary practices in a first year composition course. Across the Disciplines 12(1). Retrievable from
41. Ellis, Nick C., U. Römer & Matthew B. O'Donnell. 2015. Second language constructions: Usage-based acquisition and transfer. In J. Schwieter (ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Processing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 234-254. pdf version
40. Ellis, Nick C., Matthew B. O'Donnell & Ute Römer. 2015. Usage-based language learning. In: Brian MacWhinney & William O'Grady (eds.). The Handbook of Language Emergence. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 163-180. pdf version
39. Ellis, Nick C., Rita Simpson-Vlach, Ute Römer, Matthew B. O'Donnell & Stefanie Wulff. 2015. Learner corpora and formulaic language in second language acquisition research. In: Sylviane Granger, Gaëtanelle Gilquin & Fanny Meunier (eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of Learner Corpus Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 357-378.
38. Ellis, Nick C., Matthew B. O'Donnell & Ute Römer. 2014. The processing of verb-argument constructions is sensitive to form, function, frequency, contingency, and prototypicality. Cognitive Linguistics 25(1): 55-98. pdf version
37. Hardy, Jack A. & Ute Römer. 2013. Revealing disciplinary variation in student writing: A multi-dimensional analysis of the Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers (MICUSP). Corpora 8(2): 183-207. pdf version
36. Ellis, Nick C., Matthew B. O'Donnell & Ute Römer. 2014. Does language Zipf right along? Investigating robustness in the latent structure of usage and acquisition. In: Jeff Connor-Linton & Luke W. Amoroso (eds.). Measured Language. Quantitative Studies of Acquisition, Assessment, and Variation. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 33-50. pdf version
35. Ellis, Nick C., Matthew B. O'Donnell & Ute Römer. 2013. Usage-based language: Investigating the latent structures that underpin acquisition. Language Learning 63(Supp. 1): 25-51. pdf version
34. Römer, Ute, Matthew B. O'Donnell & Nick C. Ellis. 2015. Using COBUILD grammar patterns for a large-scale analysis of verb-argument constructions: Exploring corpus data and speaker knowledge. In: Nicholas Groom, Maggie Charles & Suganthi John (eds.). Corpora, Grammar and Discourse: In Honour of Susan Hunston. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 43-71. pdf version
33. O'Donnell, Matthew B., Ute Römer & Nick C. Ellis. 2013. The development of formulaic sequences in first and second language writing: Investigating effects of frequency, association, and native norm. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 18(1): 83-108. pdf version
Reprinted in: Hoffmann, Sebastian, Bettina Fischer-Starcke & Andrea Sand (eds.). 2015. Current Issues in Phraseology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 83-108.
31. Römer, Ute. 2012. Corpora and teaching academic writing: Exploring the pedagogical potential of MICUSP. In: James Thomas & Alex Boulton (eds.). Input, Process and Product: Developments in Teaching and Language Corpora. Brno: Masaryk University Press. 70-82. pdf version
30. Römer, Ute. 2012. Corpus analysis. In: Peter Robinson (ed.). The Routledge Encyclopedia of Second Language Acquisition. New York: Routledge. 134-139.
29. O'Donnell, Matthew B. & Römer, Ute. 2012. From student hard drive to web corpus (part 2): The annotation and online distribution of the Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers (MICUSP). Corpora 7(1): 1-18. pdf version
28. Römer, Ute & Matthew B. O'Donnell. 2011. From student hard drive to web corpus (part 1): The design, compilation and genre classification of the Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers (MICUSP). Corpora. 6(2): 159-177. pdf version
27. Ädel, Annelie & Ute Römer. 2012. Research on advanced student writing across disciplines and levels: Introducing the Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 17(1): 3-34. pdf version
26. Römer, Ute. 2011. Corpus research applications in second language teaching. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 31: 205-225. pdf version; journal info
25. Wulff, Stefanie, Ute Römer & John Swales. 2012. Attended/unattended this in academic student writing: Quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 8(1): 129-157. pdf version; journal info
24. Römer, Ute. 2011. Observations on the phraseology of academic writing: Local patterns – local meanings? In: Herbst, Thomas, Susen Faulhaber & Peter Uhrig (eds.). The Phraseological View of Language. A Tribute to John Sinclair. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 211-227. pdf version
23. Römer, Ute. 2010. Establishing the phraseological profile of a text type: The construction of meaning in academic book reviews. English Text Construction 3(1): 95-119. pdf version; journal info
Reprinted in: Biber, Douglas & Randi Reppen (eds.). 2012. Corpus Linguistics. Volume I: Lexical Studies. London: SAGE Publications. 307-329. pdf version
22. Römer, Ute & Stefanie Wulff. 2010. Applying corpus methods to written academic texts: Explorations of MICUSP. Journal of Writing Research 2(2): 99-127. pdf version; --nominated for the John R. Hayes Award 2012--
21. Römer, Ute & Rainer Schulze. 2009. Patterns in language: An introduction. In: Reinfandt, Christoph & Lars Eckstein (eds.). Anglistentag 2008 Tübingen. Proceedings. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. 359-365.
20. Wulff, Stefanie & Ute Römer. 2009. Becoming a proficient academic writer: Shifting lexical preferences in the use of the progressive. Corpora 4(2): 115-133. pdf version; journal info
19. Römer, Ute. 2010. Using general and specialized corpora in English language teaching: Past, present and future. In: Campoy-Cubillo, Marí Carmen, Begoña Belles-Fortuño & Lluisa Gea-Valor (eds.). Corpus-based Approaches to English Language Teaching. London: Continuum. 18-35. book info
18. Römer, Ute. 2009. English in academia: Does nativeness matter? Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 20(2): 89-100. pdf version
17. Schulze, Rainer & Ute Römer. 2009. Introduction: Zooming in. In: Römer, Ute & Rainer Schulze (eds.). Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1-11. pdf version (uncorrected page proofs); book info
16. Wulff, Stefanie, Nick C. Ellis, Ute Römer, Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig & Chelsea LeBlanc. 2009. The acquisition of tense-aspect: Converging evidence from corpora and telicity ratings. The Modern Language Journal 93(3): 354-369. pdf version
15. Römer, Ute. 2009. The inseparability of lexis and grammar: Corpus linguistic perspectives. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 7: 140-162. pdf version
14. Römer, Ute. 2009. Corpus research and practice: What help do teachers need and what can we offer? In: Aijmer, Karin (ed.). Corpora and Language Teaching. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 83-98. pdf version
13. Römer, Ute. 2008. 7. Corpora and language teaching. In: Lüdeling, Anke & Merja Kytö (eds.). Corpus Linguistics. An International Handbook (volume 1). [HSK series] Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 112-130. pdf version
12. Schulze, Rainer & Ute Römer. 2008. Introduction: Patterns, meaningful units and specialized discourses. IJCL 13(3): 265-270. (Special issue on "Patterns, meaningful units and specialized discourses", eds. Ute Römer & Rainer Schulze). pdf version
11. Römer, Ute. 2008. Identification impossible? A corpus approach to realisations of evaluative meaning in academic writing. Functions of Language 15(1): 115-130 (Special issue on "Evaluation in Text Types", ed. Monika Bednarek). pdf version
10. Römer, Ute. 2007. Learner language and the norms in native corpora and EFL teaching materials: A case study of English conditionals. In: Volk-Birke, Sabine & Julia Lippert (eds.). Anglistentag 2006 Halle. Proceedings. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. 355-363. pdf version
9. Nesselhauf, Nadja & Ute Römer. 2007. Lexical-grammatical patterns in spoken English: The case of the progressive with future time reference. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 12(3): 297-333. pdf version
Reprinted in: Biber, Douglas & Randi Reppen (eds.). 2012. Corpus Linguistics. Volume II: Grammar. London: SAGE Publications. 333-364. pdf version
8. Römer, Ute. 2006. Where the computer meets language, literature, and pedagogy: Corpus Analysis in English Studies. In: Gerbig, Andrea & Anja Müller-Wood (eds.). How Globalization Affects the Teaching of English: Studying Culture through Texts. Lampeter: E. Mellen Press. 81-109. pdf version; book info
7. Römer, Ute. 2006. Pedagogical applications of corpora: Some reflections on the current scope and a wish list for future developments. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 54(2): 121-134, Special Issue: "The Scope and Limits of Corpus Linguistics – Empiricism in the Description and Analysis of English" (ed. Volker Gast). pdf version; journal info
6. Römer, Ute. 2006. Looking at looking: Functions and contexts of progressives in spoken English and 'school' English. In: Renouf, Antoinette & Andrew Kehoe (eds.). The Changing Face of Corpus Linguistics. Papers from the 24th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 24). Amsterdam: Rodopi. 231-242. book info;
Reprinted in: Teubert, Wolfgang & Ramesh Krishnamurthy (eds.). 2007. Corpus Linguistics. Critical Concepts in Linguistics (6 vols.). London: Routledge. 3-14 (Volume IV). pdf version; book info
5. Römer, Ute. 2005. 'This seems somewhat counterintuitive, though…' – Negative evaluation in linguistic book reviews by male and female authors. In: Tognini Bonelli, Elena & Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotti (eds.). Strategies in Academic Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 97-115. pdf version (uncorrected page proofs); book info
4. Römer, Ute. 2005. Shifting foci in language description and instruction: Towards a lexical grammar of progressives. Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 30(1): 145-160. pdf version (final submitted version)
3. Römer, Ute. 2004. Comparing real and ideal language learner input: The use of an EFL textbook corpus in corpus linguistics and language teaching. In: Aston, Guy, Silvia Bernardini and Dominic Stewart (eds.). Corpora and Language Learners. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 151-168. pdf version
2. Römer, Ute. 2004. A corpus-driven approach to modal auxiliaries and their didactics. In: Sinclair, John McH. (ed.). How to Use Corpora in Language Teaching. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 185-199. pdf version (uncorrected page proofs)
1. Klages, Monika & Ute Römer. 2002. Translating modal meanings in the EFL classroom. In: Sybil Scholz, Monika Klages, Evelyn Hantson & Ute Römer (eds.). Language: Context and Cognition. Papers in Honour of Wolf-Dietrich Bald's 60th Birthday. Munich: Langenscheidt-Longman. 201-216. pdf version
Book reviews and miscellaneous (including amicus briefs and other non-refereed publications)
22. Cunningham, Clark D. & Ute Römer-Barron. 2024. Did January 6 Defendants (Including Donald Trump) ‘Otherwise Obstruct an Official Proceeding’? Linguistic Analysis for the Fischer Case Before the Supreme Court. Georgia State University College of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper. Available at
21. Cunningham, Clark D. & Ute Römer-Barron. 2024. Brief of amici curiae law-linguistics research team. Joseph W. Fischer v. United States (Supreme Court Case 23-5572). Available at
20. Cunningham, Clark D. & Ute Römer. 2023. Can a President Be Impeached for Non-Criminal Conduct? New Linguistic Analysis Says Yes. Georgia State University College of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper. Available at
19. Römer, Ute. 2022. Congratulations to the 2022 Research Article Award Winners. AAALetter, January 2022. Available at
18. Cunningham, Clark D., Ute Römer, Jesse A. Egbert, Haoshan Ren, Noor Abbady, Margaret Wood & Heather Kuhn. 2019. Supplemental amicus brief of law and linguistics research team. William Andrew Wright v. Stephen Spaulding, Warden (on appeal from N.D. Ohio) (6th Cir. Case 17-4257) (Judges Amul R. Thapar, Joseph Martin Hood & Eugene Edward Siler). Available at
17. Römer, Ute & John Swales. 2010. Announcement. The Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers (MICUSP). Journal of English for Academic Purposes 9: 249.
16. Römer, Ute. 2010. Review. Ken Hyland & Giuliana Diani (eds.). Academic Evaluation: Review Genres in University Settings. English for Specific Purposes 29: 301-304.
15. Römer, Ute. 2008. Review. Bernhard Kettemann & Georg Marko (eds.). Planing, Gluing and Painting Corpora: Inside the Applied Corpus Linguist's Workshop. Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 33(1): 165-168.
14. Römer, Ute. 2007. Book notice. Vijay K. Bhatia. Worlds of Written Discourse: A Genre-based View. Language 83(3): 666.
13. Römer, Ute. 2007. Book notice. Caroline Coffin, Ann Hewings & Kieran O'Halloran (eds.). Applying English Grammar. Functional and Corpus Approaches. Language 83(3): 670-671.
12. Römer, Ute. 2006. Book notice. Karin Aijmer & Anna-Brita Stenström. Discourse Markers in Spoken and Written Corpora. Language 82(4): 936.
11. Römer, Ute. 2006. Book notice. Hans Lindquist & Christian Mair. Corpus Approaches to Grammaticalization in English. Language 82(4): 956.
10. Römer, Ute. 2006. Review. Ulla Connor & Thomas A. Upton (eds.). Discourse in the Professions: Perspectives from corpus linguistics. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 28(4): 646-648.
9. Römer, Ute. 2006. Review. Erik Smitterberg. The Progressive in 19th-century English: A Process of Integration. ICAME Journal 30: 131-135.
8. Römer, Ute. 2005. Review. Alan Partington, John Morley & Louann Haarman (eds.). Corpora and Discourse. Anglistik 16(2): 211-213.
7. Römer, Ute. 2005. Book notice. Steven McDonough. Applied Linguistics in Language Education. Language 81(2): 542-543.
6. Römer, Ute. 2005. Book notice. Peter H. Matthews. Linguistics: A Very Short Introduction. Language 81(2): 541.
5. Römer, Ute. 2004. Book notice. Anna-Brita Stenström, Gisle Anderson & Ingrid Kristine Hasund. Trends in Teenage Talk. Language 80(4): 900-901.
4. Römer, Ute. 2004. Review. Norbert Schlüter. Present Perfect: Eine korpuslinguistische Analyse des englischen Perfekts mit Vermittlungsvorschlägen für den Sprachunterricht. Neusprachliche Mitteilungen 57(4): 246.
3. Römer, Ute. 2004. Review. Bernhard Kettemann & Georg Marko (eds.). Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis. Anglistik 15(1): 155-159.
2. Römer, Ute. 2003. Conference Report. The Fifth International Conference on Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC 5), The University Residential Centre, Bertinoro, Italy, July 27 – 31, 2002. Anglistik 14(1): 204-207.
1. Römer, Ute. 2001. Review. Alan Partington. Patterns and Meanings: Using Corpora for English Language Research and Teaching. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 6(1): 155-158.
Related activities
▪ General editor of the Studies in Corpus Linguistics (SCL) book series; series info
▪ Editorial board member of the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (IJCL); journal info
▪ Editorial board member of the journal Corpora; journal info
▪ Editorial board member of English Text Construction (ETC); journal info
▪ Editorial board member of the Journal of Advanced Linguistic Studies (JALS); journal info
▪ Editorial board member of Empirical Language Research Journal (ELR Journal; relaunched in 2013 as English Language Research Journal); journal info
▪ Advisory editorial board member of the book series Studies in Bilingualism; series info
▪ Advisory board member of the book series Language in Performance (LiP); series info
▪ Peer reviewer for the following journals: Annual Review of Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Linguistics; Corpora; Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory; English for Specific Purposes; ESP Across Cultures; International Journal of Corpus LinguisticsInternational Journal of Bilingualism; Journal of English Linguistics; Language Assessment Quarterly; Language Learning; Language Learning and Technology; Language Resources and Evaluation; Language Sciences; Language Teaching; Languages in Contrast; TESOL Quarterly; Language Teaching; Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik;
▪ Member of the organizing committees of the following international conferences: ELeGI 2006 (Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface, Hanover, Germany); Language as a Complex Adaptive System 2008 (Ann Arbor, MI, USA); CIRD 2009 (Fifth Conference on Intercultural Rhetoric and Discourse, Ann Arbor, MI, USA)
▪ Member of the programme committees of the following international conferences: ELeGI 2006 (Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface, Hanover, Germany); Corpus Linguistics 2007 (Birmingham, UK); AACL 2008 (American Association for Corpus Linguistics conference, Provo, UT); IVACS 2008 (Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies conference, Limerick, Ireland); Corpus Linguistics 2009 (Liverpool, UK); CILC-09 (First conference of the Spanish Association of Corpus Linguistics, Murcia, Spain); AAAL 2009 (American Association for Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Denver, CO); CIRD 5 (Fifth Conference on Intercultural Rhetoric and Discourse, Ann Arbor, MI); ICAME 2009 (International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English annual meeting, Lancaster, UK); Corpus Linguistics 2011 (Birmingham, UK); LCR 2011 ("20 years of learner corpus research: looking back, moving ahead", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium); AESLA 2011 (29th Annual Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics, Salamanca, Spain); Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (2012, University of Auckland); TaLC 10 (10th Teaching and Language Corpora conference in 2012, Warsaw, Poland); Corpus Technologies and Applied Linguistics Conference (2012, Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, China); SLRF 2012 (Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA); AAAL 2013 (Corpus Linguistics strand coordinator; American Association for Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Dallas, TX); AACL 2013 (American Association for Corpus Linguistics conference, San Diego, CA); ICAME 2013 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain); SLRF 2013 (Second Language Research Forum, Provo, UT; Corpus Linguistics 2013 (Lancaster, UK); LCR 2013 (Learner Corpus Research conference, Solstrand, Norway); Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT) 2014 (Washington, DC); AAAL 2014 (American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Portland, OR); ICAME 2014 (Nottingham, UK); TaLC 11 (11th Teaching and Language Corpora conference in 2014, Lancaster, UK); ICAME 2015 (Trier, Germany); ICLC 2015 (Newcastle, UK); Corpus Linguistics 2015 (Lancaster, UK); Second Language Research Forum 2015 (Atlanta, GA); LCR 2015 (Learner Corpus Research conference, Nijmegen, Netherlands); Cognitive Approaches to Language Pedagogy 2016 (Basel, Switzerland); AAAL 2016 (American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Orlando, FL); ICAME 2016 (Hong Kong, China); TaLC 12 (12th Teaching and Language Corpora conference in 2016, Giessen, Germany); AAAL 2017 (American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Portland, OR); Corpus Linguistics 2017 (Birmingham, UK); ICAME 2017 (Prague, Czech Republic); Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar 2017 (Edge Hill, UK); Colloque International de Linguistique de Corpus 2017 (Paris, France); EUROPHRAS 2017 (London, UK); Second Language Research Forum 2017 (Columbus, OH); AAAL 2018 (American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Chicago, IL); Constructional Approaches to Language Pedagogy 2018 (CALP-3; Austin, TX); ICAME 2018 (Tampere, Finland); TaLC 13 (13th Teaching and Language Corpora conference 2018; Cambridge, UK); Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar 2018 (Edge Hill, UK); Learner Corpus Research conference 2019 (Warsaw, Poland); ICAME 2019 (Neuchatel, Switzerland); Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar 2019 (Edge Hill, UK); AAAL 2019 (American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Atlanta, GA);
Professional affiliations
2012 – present American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
2010 – present Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC); Member of the scientific committee
2009 – present American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL); Board member (since 2009)
2007 – present International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE)
2005 – 2017 Deutscher Anglistenverband (German Association of University Teachers of English)
2005 – 2017 European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
2003 – present International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME); elected ICAME Board member (2012-2016, 2016-2020)
2003 – 2010 British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), founding member of the Special Interest Group “Corpus Linguistics”
2003 – 2008 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (German Association for Foreign Language Research)
2002– present International Association of Applied Linguistics (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée, AILA)
2002 – 2013 Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (German Association of Applied Linguistics)
1999 – 2009 Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft (German Shakespeare Society)